Epidemiology Consultation - Edmond Maes, Ph.D.

Edmond Maes, Ph.D.

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Many of our clients have communicated that they are following WHO and CDC recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for many these may be sufficient. 

As you may already have discovered, however, universal recommendations often omit the specifics you need for prudent decision-making as you encounter individualized risks and unique needs. This is especially true because the natural history of this disease and its transmission haven't yet been fully charted. 

For the past three weeks, we've been hearing daily from corporate clients that they are in crisis mode as security, HR, and occupational health resources are being diverted from other responsibilities to respond to COVID-19 concerns, and a few law firms have mentioned analogous problems. To assist in responding to this novel health threat, we've added an epidemiologist to our team of experts who can advise our clients.  

Edmond Maes, Ph.D., retired two months ago from the CDC, where he began in 1985 as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer and was successively promoted to key roles in the Office of Global Health in epidemiologic surveillance, response, and immunization programs for viral illnesses.

We’ve taken the step of bringing Ed on board because we learned during the 2001 anthrax attacks that public health authorities were overwhelmed when their services were most needed by the private sector, and all of the leading academics were too busy responding to government demands on their time to consult with our clients. This time, we want our clients to have access to the information they need when they most need it. Dr. Maes will be providing telephonic consultation by appointment, which can be scheduled to the extent of his availability by calling the number below. 

We also offer a program through which your organization may guarantee his availability for same-day responsiveness and arrange for training or for individualized recommendations regarding working from home, travel, gatherings, sanitizing, decontamination, and more. Stay healthy and safe, and call if we can help.

Simon Levshin